October 27, 2009

The Daly Family

Thank you to the Daly family for allowing me to spend an afternoon with them. Three little monkeys with some of the most beautiful eyes I have ever photographed! Along with the shots of the family together, we also got some of mama by herself. She has recently accomplished a big weight loss goal and wanted to document it. She looks fantastic. Thanks again, Chelle.


Debbie Grammer said...

Beautiful photo's Caroline!! You did a wonderful job capturing the personalities of this family. They will be so happy. P.S. I love that shirt your friend has on.

Chelle said...

Thank you Caroline.

You really have a wonderful eye for shooting locations. When I said I wanted the pictures about the "people" and not the backgrounds you found the perfect places to shoot.

We had such a wonderful time! I've never seen my husband so relaxed having his picture taken. You bonded so quickly with the kids too!

Debbie - I got that blouse for $15 at Forever 21 - I think they still have it!