November 30, 2009

The Conrads

Boy meets girls. Boy asks girl to marry him. Boy and girl have 4 daughters. Boy gets a special seat in Heaven. The funny part is that I don't think that Phil would trade a moment of it. It was a joy to capture each of these girls. Their personalities really came through in the pictures. Mom looks absolutely fantastic.

November 22, 2009

The Miles Family

This wonderful lady is someone who I have spent many hours with running on the canal. She is a far superior athlete than I am. She was always very patient with me when I was whinning about not wanting to do the mileage or just whinning about wanting to go back to bed.  Whinning, that I am certain she is not used to because her boys are angels. She has two handsome kiddos. Sweet, sweet boys. I had a great time getting to know these boys a little better. Thank you Karen, Rick and boys.

November 11, 2009

Conaway Family

I met this little one when she was 4 months old. She has these great parents who have waited for her for a long time. She means the world to them and it shows in everything they do. I really enjoyed photographing her the first time, the second time was even more fun. She is now 16 months old and is just as sweet. I was able to convince her parents to get in front of the camera this time. Thank you, Conaways.

November 4, 2009

Town and Country

The Ponders are one of those families that you meet and think that they are the family that came with the frame you bought because surely not 4 people can all be this attractive. Two beautiful boys, a handsome husband and a knockout of a wife should be enough, but no!! They are some of the most genuine and giving people I have come across in a long time. I like them so much. This makes my job not only easy but really fun. On top of all of this gooey love, they also provided me with a photographic dream. The are friends with the family that now owns Barry Goldwater's former home. This home sits above Phoenix and allows you to soak up views and sunsets. We took full advantage of both. Thank you, Ponder Family.