May 5, 2011

Pretty Pretty Mama

There is always something intimidating about photographing a photographer. It is a double-edged sword. On one hand you know that they will show up dressed in something that is going to blow you away. You spend a lot of time talking to clients about what to wear, how to accessorize and pulling it all together. You get the benefits of having this experience. You also know that a photographer knows how to look at the camera, how to angle their chin, which position is going to be your best. These are all wonderful things.....and this pretty mama was no exception. The draw back is that you also always worry that you are going to get it right. They have a pose in mind, the light that they want and their own vision. You want to do right by them.....this photographer was no exception.

Here's the gift: Tori was all things gracious and wonderful. She was calm and fun. We had a great time scoping out the right spots together. Anytime she asks, I will do it over and over again.